Manuscript Guidelines
What We Publish
We are happy to accept manuscripts, but as we are sent so many it is worth considering whether they will fit in with our programme before sending them.
Our books cover many different subjects, but all are written within the context of a diverse and international society. We try to reflect various family structures and avoid gender, age, disability or racial stereotyping.
We use several independent illustrators and so do not require manuscripts to be accompanied by illustrations.
Board Books
Our programme is mainly focused on EYFS. We publish a large number of board books for babies and toddlers. Board books are generally 12 pages and reflect experiences relevant to the age group. They have very few words. Many of our books contain an element of interaction, lift-up flaps, pop-ups, dials etc. When this interaction is tactile, it is always an integral part of the story.
Picture Books
Picture books are highly illustrated; generally they are 32 pages with a maximum of 1,500 words of text. They are always child-centred. We are particularly interested in own-voice narratives and by authors from under-represented groups.
We also publish a limited number of information books for up to nine years old, which are usually engineered and interactive. We do not publish children's novels.
Before submitting your work, we suggest that you look through the books on our website to see if your style fits into our programme.
We are unable to consider AI-generated stories or submissions via the post.
How to submit
Thank you for your interest in submitting to Child's Play. Our submissions are currently closed. Please check back with us in future.
We are lucky enough to receive such a high volume of manuscripts every month, however; this means we are unfortunately unable to offer criticism on individual projects. If your concept has taken our interest, we'll be in touch. If you haven't heard from us within 12 weeks, then please assume that we didn't consider your submission a suitable fit for our programme.
Big Feelings
Tender tales about those BIG feelings we all experience.
Touching stories about making friends, best friends, furry friends and every type...
The Environment
Our home - the beauty of nature and what we can do...